Brigham Suicide Prevention is a positive and forward-thinking group. We are in the midst of educating many groups of people on the standards of QPR training (Question, Persuade, Refer) and SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) in Box Elder County with the hope of increasing awareness, building skills, and offering support to those in need or those who are mourning a loss.
Our volunteer group based in Brigham City, Utah has mixed backgrounds in mental health, domestic violence, grief services, juvenile justice, educators, law enforcement, suicide survivors, and community members who just want to make a difference. We operate with volunteers with only fundraiser money.
The group at highest risk for suicide are those in middle age, contrary to popular assumptions. With these statistics in Box Elder County, we aim to educate all groups and have focused recently on this age group by completing training at Nucor and Autoliv.
“Why would I need this training, I’m not mourning anyone? Suicide doesn’t affect me”
Answer: No one is affected by suicide until they are. The goal of our group is to educate people to watch for warning signs and to learn how to engage with those at risk. This could be a classmate, coworker, family member, or friend.
Our efforts toward education cost money so we are working hard to reach out and complete fundraisers to assist with this effort.
Please help by letting us know if you would like to donate funds, volunteer, or if you have a group OF ANY AGE that can be trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) or SafeTALK (age 15 and up).